Ehem-ehemmm....tetiba mood minggu ni terasa mcm nak join contest....maka sy pun search la mcm2 jenis contst yg sy rs ssssesssuaiii utk disertai.....(amboi ayattt....x hengattt!)
Peduli la ape org nak kata kan....belum cb belum, mn2 resder yg rs nak join pun dipersilakan ye.....sbb penyertaan masih dibuka hingga esok...(tarikh dilanjtkan...kalo x, bln lps lg dah tutup)...
Antara tujuan lain sy join contest kat entry BabyIbu ni sbnrnye kebetulan mmg cadang nak tuka botol my cutie Dania....dah lm dia guna botol yg dok ade tu....kesiannn....(bunyik cam aku ni mmg x mampu kan? hehehe....)
Bila sy bc pasal weego bottle ni, mcm2 kebagusan pasal botol ni yg aku br tau..(KEBAGUSAN???...ape punye bahase daa...). Kalo x caye, ha... u all bc kat sini ye.
Antara Kebagusan @ Kelebihan botol ni la kan....: (u all translate la ni agakkkk m_l_s kalo bab nak kena translate ni, rsnye smua leh faham kan...)
- Designed to grow with your child. The included clear cover can also serve as an easy to hold cup. Perfect for a lunchbox or traveling.
- Bright colored silicone sleeve (patent pending) helps to protect the bottle from breakage and provides a great gripping surface and tactile experience during feeding
- Bottle and sleeve can be boiled or put in the dishwasher together. Can also go in the freezer, making breast milk storage simple.
- Bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalate, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) free
- Silicone sleeve is non-toxic and free of plastics
- Silicone nipple is non-toxic and latex-free
- Plastic ring, plug and cap are FDA approved
- Made from borosilicate glass and therefore are thermal shock resistant allowing them to go from freezer to boiling water
Terdapat dalam dua saiz dan juga enam warna yang menarik.....mmg gilerr puyer pelangi pun ade....hikhik....
Botol 9oz
Botol 4oz
Siap ade Starter Kit lagi u.....aawwww....
Starter Kit
Haaa..... amacam??? ade brannn?? Jom la join!! (Bestnye kalo sy menang....Dania would be very happy!)
Selamat berjaye....!